New Feature: Team Accounts

More often than not lead magnets are a team sport so we’re delighted to launch a range of new features to help our customers collaborate more efficiently.
Please note these features are only available on Agency level accounts:
Share Your Beacon Account
You can now add up to 5 users to your Beacon account. If you need more than 5 users just let us know.

Each user will log in to Beacon with their own email address and password.
Users that are added to your account will not be able to access subscription information so they can’t change billing details, upgrade or cancel your subscription.
Individual User Permissions
When you add a new user to your account you will be able choose what lead magnets they can access.
For example, if you work in an Agency and you want to give your colleague full access to all documents in the account you could set these permissions:

Or, if you wanted a client to only edit documents that you had created for them you could set these permissions:

If you have any other suggestions for team features that you would find useful then let us know – we’re all ears!