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Lead Magnet Creator in 60 Seconds


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Smart PDF vs Traditional PDF

Desktop Version
When viewed on a laptop or desktop computer, both versions will look identical.

Videos can be played directly inside the Smart PDF. But in the Traditional PDF, you readers will be shown a thumbnail of the video instead. When they click the thumbnail, their web browser will open in another window and they can watch the video there.

Animated GIFs
In the Smart PDF animated GIFs will play inside the Smart PDF but in the Traditional PDF a still image is shown instead.

When the Smart PDF is loaded on a mobile device, the design is ‘responsive’. This means that the content will automatically be resized to fit the screen. Meanwhile, with the Traditional PDF, the design is just shrunk down to fit the screen. This means that people will have to pinch and zoom to read your content.

The Smart PDF is shared with a link, much like a standard web page. This means that it is not possible to download a copy of the Smart PDF so your readers will always need an internet connection to view it. The Traditional PDF can be shared as a file so your readers can download it, keep it, and access it offline.

Because the Smart PDF behaves more like a web page we can give you access to document analytics. Including – page views, popular pages, time spent reading, traffic sources and device type.

You should share the version which you think is most suitable for your audience.


Creating Your Own Templates

When you’re creating a lead magnet you’ll find that lots of your content can be reused for your next project. 

Lead Capture: Link Lock

Lead Capture: Content Upgrades

ActiveCampaign Integration

When creating a new Lead Capture form you can choose to send submissions directly to your ActiveCampaign account.

Step 1 – Add A New Provider

Visit the ’email integrations’ section of your account settings and click the ‘add a new provider button’

Choose ActiveCampaign from the list and add your API Key along with your API URL and click ‘add integration’:

For details on how to find your API settings please read this article.

Step 3a – Lead Capture Select Your List

When someone opts-in to your form their details will be added to an ActiveCampaign list of your choice.

Step 3b: Resource Library – Select A List

If you are creating a Resource Library then you can select which ActiveCampaign list each subscriber should be added to via the ‘Optin Settings’ screen:

Disabling Link Lock For Your Lead Magnet

Step 1: Visit The Lead Capture Dashboard

You can visit the Lead Capture dashboard here:

You can see which Link Lock forms are currently active by looking in the first column:

Click the ‘edit’ button once you find the correct form:

Note: You may need to scroll across to see the edit button:

Step 3: Navigate To The Publish Screen

Click on the last tab to access the Publish screen:

Step 4: Disable The Form

Click on the button shown below to disable Link Lock:

The form will then be disabled:

All set! You now know how to disable Link Lock for your lead magnet.

Ready to explore other ways to customize your lead magnets? Check out our guide on how to edit your first lead magnet!

How To Delete A Video

  1. Hover over the video until you can see the pink outline of the text box

  2. Click after the video

  3. Ensure that your blinking cursor appears after the video

  4. Press the backspace key on your keyboard until the video disappears