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Drag and Drop Overview

Video Overview


To access the drag and drop tab click the second icon on the left hand side:

From here you can drag any element onto the page. Just hover over the relevant item, hold down your left mouse button and drag the item onto the page:

When you drag an item over the page, containing elements like boxes and strips will be highlighted in yellow.

The horizontal pink dotted line indicates where the element will be placed when you release the mouse button.

Nested Containers

You can drop Content Cards inside Containers but it is not possible to drop Containers inside other Containers.

Creating a New Column With Drag and Drop

If you have a Column Group on a page, you can create a new column by dragging a content card in between the existing columns.

The pink dotted line will turn vertical when your mouse is in a position between two columns.

What is a Continuous Page?

Video Overview


Most pages within Beacon have a fixed height – once you reach the end of the page you can’t add any more content.

With ‘continuous’ pages, a new sub page will be added when you reach the end of the current page.

This is perfect when copying and pasting lots of content.

To add a ‘continuous’ page, just click the ‘Add New Page’ button:

And then select ‘continuous’

Restricted Functionality
The following functionality is not available in continuous pages:

  • Container elements – you cannot drag boxes, columns or strips onto a continuous page

  • Header & Footer editing – you cannot edit headers and footers on continuous pages. You should navigate to a normal page and make any changes to the headers and footers there.

How to Create a Page Template

You can convert any page within a Beacon document into a reusable template. Perfect for when you need to save time in future projects.

Please note that this is a premium feature and only available in paid accounts

To get started, first navigate to the page that you want to convert into a template

Next, click the ‘Page Settings’ tab.

In the Page Settings tab you will see a section titled “Convert this page into a template”. Click that button:

A new screen will appear:

Here you have two options:

1. Create a new template

To create a new template, type the name of your template in the box and click ‘save’.

Your template has now been created. To return to your document and keep editing as normal click the ‘close’ button.

2. Replace an existing template

You can replace any existing templates that you have previously created by selecting the template that you want to replace from this list:

When you click an option from this list you will be asked to confirm your choice:

Click ‘yes’ to confirm that you want to overwrite your previous template and click ‘cancel’ to return to the previous screen.

Document Settings

Changes made in the Document Settings will be applied to every page in the publication. To access the Document Settings, click the last icon on the left hand side.

The Document Settings tab contains the following options:

Document Title
This is the name of your document – it is also the name that will be used in the URL for your Smart PDF.

More information about Smart PDFs

Default Styles
Every Beacon template has a set of colors that have been used throughout the document – these are known as the Default Styles. If you make a change to a color in the Default Styles section, that color will be updated throughout the entire document.

More information on Default Styles.

Convert Into Template
If you want to save time when creating future publications you can convert this document into a reusable template. When you do this, your new document template will be available when you next create a new publication.

Please note that this is a premium feature that is only available on paid accounts.

Editing Lead Magnet Templates

You can make changes to any of the templates that you have previously created via the Template Manager.

Click on the ‘Lead Magnet Templates’ tab in the top left hand corner of your Beacon dashboard:

From here you will see all the templates that you have previously created:

If you have lots of templates you can use the 2 filter options to refine which templates are listed:

  1. Search – Search for a specific template by adding keywords here

  2. Tags – You can tag individual templates to make them easier to find (see below for information on adding tags)

Edit Template

Click on the ‘edit’ button to make changes to the design of an individual template:

Edit Options

There are various edit options for each template shown. To access the edit options, click the arrow on the edit button:

Change the name of this template

Manage Tags
Tags make it easy to group and categorise common templates together. Click on this option to add new tags or remove existing tags.

Permanently delete this template. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

How to Create a Document Template

You can convert any document within a Beacon into a reusable template. This is perfect for when you need to save time in future projects.

Please note that this is a premium feature and is only available in paid accounts

To get started, first navigate to the ‘Document Settings’ tab.

In the Document Settings tab you will see a section titled “Convert this document into a template”. Click that button:

A new screen will appear:

Here you have two options:

1. Create a new template

To create a new template, type the name of your template in the box and click ‘save’.

Your template has now been created. To return to your document and keep editing as normal click the ‘close’ button.

2. Replace an existing template

You can replace any existing templates that you have previously created by selecting the template that you want to replace from this list:

When you click an option from this list you will be asked to confirm your choice:

Click ‘yes’ to confirm that you want to overwrite your previous template and click ‘cancel’ to return to the previous screen.

How to reorder pages in a document

You can reorder pages in a Beacon document via the pages tab:

To reorder a page, place your cursor over the title of the page that you want to reorder.

Then, hold down your left mouse button and drag the page to its new position in the page list:

When the page is in the correct position, release the mouse button and your pages will have been reordered:

How to publish a document

This guide will walk you through the various publishing options available in Beacon, from downloadable PDFs to interactive lead generation forms.

Publishing your document is a simple process that allows you to choose the format and delivery method that best suits your needs. When you have finished editing a publication just click the ‘publish’ button at the top of the editor screen:

Once you’ do this’ve clicked on the Publish button, the Publish Settings screen will appear:

There are a few different ways to publish your document:

  1. Download PDF
  2. Smart PDF
  3. Horizontal Bar
  4. Inline Form
  5. Content Upgrade
  6. Popup Delay
  7. Link Lock

1. Download PDF

If you want to download a PDF file to share instead of using the Smart PDF link then you can use this option.​

Once you’ve selected Download PDF, make sure to Generate the PDF, as seen below.

Generating a PDF only takes a few seconds (depending on the document size and images), after which a Download button will appear.

Download PDF

Click on the ‘Download’ button to save the PDF document to your device.

2. Smart PDF

Smart PDFs are shared via a web link and can be accessed through a web browser. Learn more about Smart PDFs here.

To publish the Smart PDF of your own domain, select the custom domain added in your account settings and update the link to a memorable URL, as seen below.

Publish Smart  PDF on custom domain.

The following options are all methods for using your lead magnet to collect email addresses.​

3. Horizontal Bar

The Horizontal bar is an eye-catching bar that can be pinned to the top or bottom of the browser window.

4. Inline Form

An inline form is seamlessly embedded within the content of the web page, eliminating the need for popups.​

5. Content Upgrade

With the content upgrade, your call-to-action is embedded directly into the web page. When visitors click the button, a popup appears, and after opting in, they’ll receive the lead magnet via email.​

6. Popup Delay

The popup form will automatically appear once the user has either scrolled down the page, or spent a set amount of time on the page.​

Share your lead magnet with a single link. People will have to enter their email address before they can read the document.

You’re ready to log into Beacon and publish your content to start generating leads.


Smart PDF settings

To adjust the Smart PDF Settings, first click ‘publish’ in the editor screen:

The Smart PDF settings will initially be hidden from view so just click the text shown below to expand the options:

The Smart PDF Settings contain 6 options:

1. Enable Download

When people access your Smart PDF link you can give them the option to also download the Traditional PDF version of your document. If you do not want to give people this option you should check this box.

Please note that this feature is only available on paid accounts.

2. Disable social media share buttons
By default, all Smart PDFs will also contain various buttons to help people share your publication on their preferred social network. If you do not want these buttons to appear you should check this box.

3. Disable web version
If you only plan on sharing the Traditional PDF version of your publication and do not want people to access the Smart PDF version then you should check this box.

4. Third Party Scripts
This is the place to add code snippets from third-party services. Things like chatbot embed codes, Facebook Pixels, Google Tag Manager etc work well here. Paste as many code snippets as you want.

5. Google Analytics ID
If you want to record analytics for how people read your content you can use your own Google Analytics code so this information is available in your own Analytics account. 

6. Password
If you want to make sure that only certain people can access your Smart PDF document then you can set a password here. Readers will be prompted to enter the password when you share the Smart PDF link with them.

Save Changes

If you make any changes to the Smart PDF settings you will need to click either the ‘Publish’ or the ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes:

What is a Smart PDF?

A Smart PDF looks just like a traditional PDF but it is accessed via a web link rather than a downloadable file.

This is an example of a Smart PDF –

Benefits of Smart PDFs

Mobile Optimisation
Smart PDFs are automatically optimised for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This means that your content will always be comfortably readable for people no matter what device they are using.

When you share the Smart PDF version of your publication, Beacon can record various statistics about how people interact with your content. Including, time spent reading, type of device used and the source of any inbound links.

Multimedia Friendly
Because Smart PDFs use web technology you can embed multimedia elements like video, audio or animated GIFs. These formats will all play directly in the document so your readers will not have to visit an external site to access them.

Faster Load Times
Smart PDFs will have a smaller file size than a traditional PDF so will load faster for your readers.

Editing Containers

Video Overview

Customizing Containers

When you hover over a Container on the page you will notice a colored dotted border appear around the content element. In this example the mouse is hovering over the Box element:

When you click on a Container on the page a blue menu will appear on the left hand side:

This blue menu is how you make adjustments to the appearance of the selected Container.

The options in this blue menu will be different for each type of Container. For example a Box will have different options from a Strip.

Accessing The Container Menu

Sometimes, if there are lots of Content Cards within a Container it can be difficult to click directly on the Container itself.

If this happens you can click on one of the Content Cards within the Container and then use the top navigation within the blue menu to access the Container’s menu.

In this example I have clicked on the Headline Card within a Box. I can then use the top navigation to open the Container’s menu:

Sub Menu

Within the blue menu there is also a sub menu that appears at the bottom:

This sub menu helps you to:

  1. Move a Content Card up on the page.
  2. Move a Content Card down on the page.
  3. Delete a Content Card.
  4. Duplicate a Content Card.

For more information on moving Container elements, please see this article.