To adjust the Smart PDF Settings, first click ‘publish’ in the editor screen:

The Smart PDF settings will initially be hidden from view so just click the text shown below to expand the options:

The Smart PDF Settings contain 6 options:

1. Enable Download
When people access your Smart PDF link you can give them the option to also download the Traditional PDF version of your document. If you do not want to give people this option you should check this box.
Please note that this feature is only available on paid accounts.
2. Disable social media share buttons
By default, all Smart PDFs will also contain various buttons to help people share your publication on their preferred social network. If you do not want these buttons to appear you should check this box.
3. Disable web version
If you only plan on sharing the Traditional PDF version of your publication and do not want people to access the Smart PDF version then you should check this box.
4. Third Party Scripts
This is the place to add code snippets from third-party services. Things like chatbot embed codes, Facebook Pixels, Google Tag Manager etc work well here. Paste as many code snippets as you want.
5. Google Analytics ID
If you want to record analytics for how people read your content you can use your own Google Analytics code so this information is available in your own Analytics account.
6. Password
If you want to make sure that only certain people can access your Smart PDF document then you can set a password here. Readers will be prompted to enter the password when you share the Smart PDF link with them.
Save Changes
If you make any changes to the Smart PDF settings you will need to click either the ‘Publish’ or the ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes: